
609 Nishidaimonji-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Tel: 075-211-3882 (Kyoto Nishiki Market Shopping Street Promotion Association)
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By train

  • Approx. 3 minutes walk from Shijo Station on the Subway Karasuma Line
  • Approx. 3 minutes walk from Karasuma Station on Hankyu Kyoto Line
  • Approx. 4 minutes walk from Kyoto Kawaramachi Station on Hankyu Kyoto Line
  • Approx. 10 minutes walk from Shijo Station on the Keihan Main Line

By bus

From Kyoto Station, take City Bus No. 5 to Shijo Takakura (in front of Daimaru Department Store), approx. 2 min. walk.

For those coming by cab

Please tell them to go to "Nishiki Market".

For those coming by car

  • From the Meishin Expressway, take the Kyoto Minami Interchange or Kyoto Higashi Interchange and follow National Route 1 to the center of the city.
    ↓arrow (mark or symbol)
  • Go north on Gojo Karasuma
    ↓arrow (mark or symbol)
  • Go east on Shijo-Karasuma
    ↓arrow (mark or symbol)
  • Turn east on Shijo-Karasuma and you will see an arcade on the north side between the second traffic light (Takakura-dori) and the sixth traffic light (Gokomachi-dori). That is Nishiki Market.

To everyone visiting Nishiki Market Request and information

Please refrain from walking while eating as it may cause trouble or trouble.
Please enjoy it in front of the store where you purchased it or inside the store.