shop of omelet
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Tanaka Keiran
Tanaka Keiran has been in business for 87 years, committed solely to making dashimaki omelets. When you take a bite of their dashimaki and chew it lightly, you can feel the delicious broth seeping out. The dashi stock and the egg create a deep flavor without using any chemical seasonings, additives, or sugar. And the way the omelet is made fluffy though having more dashi than usual is what one would call a professional's technique.
- deli
- omelet

Miki Keiran
Founded in 1928, this store specializing in dashimaki omelets has been in business for more than 90 years. The copper, rectangular pans lined up in a row are much longer than those for home-use. The eggs and seasoned dashi stock are placed in the pan and rolled quickly from the front to the back over high heat, a technique that is truly the work of a skilled artisan. This method of cooking is called "kyomaki (Kyoto-style roll)," and is unique to Kyoto.
- deli
- omelet
- Japanese sweets